Sunday, April 05, 2015

Melanie's Week in Review - April 5, 2015

To those of you who celebrate - Happy Easter and for those who don't Happy 'Eat a lot of chocolate' Day or Happy Passover ... or if you are my sister Mary Happy Birthday. It's a celebration weekend all around. Well it should be but it has turned out to be a very the end to a rather tense week for me. Lots of work to do, my well planned birthday present to my sister has gone missing in the post, blocked drains, and a broken land line. So of all this a couple of good things have also happened. I have caught up with some good friends from high school, shared some really good memories and of course, read a couple of good books. So what did I read?

I was having one of my 'shouldn't be doing this' perusal of Amazon and I came across Jeffe Kennedy's Rogue's Paradise (Carina Press, September 8, 2014). I had completely forgotten about this series.  I should preface that with saving that I didn't forget about it because it was bad but that I simply forgot! This is the third (and I believe final) in the Covenant of Thorns series which finds Gwynn and Rogue together, at last although on the run from the evil Queen of Faerie - Titania. Despite their evident physical attraction Gwynn is not sure whether Rogue loves her of his own free will or whether Rogue is under Titania's compulsion. Gwynn knows that the only way her child will be safe, and her love of Rogue assured is if Titania is defeated. Defeating the Queen of Faerie isn't as straight forward as it seems.

I thought that Rogue's Paradise was OK. I always had a problem with this series and the pseudo abusive relationship Gwynn and Rogue had. This instalment is about 80% sex and 20% plot development. While it has an HEA at its heart it does take a long time for the H and the E to actually materialize. The only real drama occurred when the uber evil Titania showed up although Kennedy did have a couple of very good twists waiting for the reader at the end. Kennedy makes Faerie seem quite unappealing....well except for Rogue who is hotness incarnate! Overall, this series gives the reader an alternative view to Faerie although Titania is as evil as ever. Rogue with his extra long limbs and Gwynn with her 'humanity' make for an interesting couple. Not quite the love match that you expect from your typical HEA but worth a read all the same.

I only managed to read two books this week. I am blaming the fact that my commute was only 4 days instead of 5.Well that is my excuse and I am sticking to it. I finished my week with Touch by Claire North (Redhook, February 24, 2015). You may remember I read The First Fifteen Lives of Henry August last year. If you don't remember have a readTouch tells Kepler's story. Who is Kepler? You should be asking who he...or she isn't. Kepler is a ghost that can transfer to anyone's body merely by touch. When Kepler's favourite 'skin' is viciously murdered he decides to take things into his own hands and find out who or what wants him dead.

I really enjoyed this book. Not that reading about heinous murders is that enjoyable but North really knows how to write a good murder mystery. North creates interesting characters and is able to describe her environment so clearly that you feel like you are there with the characters. However, I did find Touch very similar to 'Henry August' as both books deal with entities that didn't die and evil organisations that want them to. While Henry was re-born Kepler merely transferred his consciousness to a new body time and time again. This works to his advantage as within a number of days he is able to solve the mystery as to why his favourite skin 'Josephine' is murdered whereas Henry has to live his life over and over again. As much as I enjoyed Touch I did think the plot and the style of writing was a 'samey'. If I was to recommend one over the other I think I would have to vote for The First Fifteen Lives of Henry August. 

Well that is all for me this week. I am hoping for better progress although with another four day week I am not sure I will get through that much. Fingers crossed! Until then Happy Reading.


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