Monday, February 10, 2014

The View From Monday - February 10, 2014

Happy Monday! It's a relatively light release week with something for all SpecFic genre fans.

There are 3 debuts:

The Waking Engine by David Edison;

Cold Iron (Cold Iron Trilogy 1) by D. L. McDermott;


The Martian by Andy Weir.

From formerly featured Debut Author Challenge Authors:

Tempered (St. Croix Chronicles 4) by Karina Cooper;


Deep Down (Hallie Michaels 2) by Deborah Coates is out in Trade Paperback.

February 10, 2014
Tempered (e) Karina Cooper Hist/SF/SP - St. Croix Chronicles 4
The Ultimate Choice (e) Lisa C. Hinsley Th/Dys
Cold Iron (e) (D) D. L. McDermott PNR - Cold Iron Trilogy  1
Reaper's Touch (e) Eleri Stone PNR/Dys

February 11, 2014
Mojo And The Pickle Jar (1st e) (ri) Douglas Bell F
Deep Down (h2tp) Deborah Coates UF - Hallie Michaels 2
Conquest John Connolly
Jennifer Ridyard
SF - The Chronicles of the Invaders 1
The Waking Engine (D) David Edison F
Pillar to the Sky William R. Forstchen SF
The Mist in the Mirror Susan Hill Gh
The Memory of Death (e) Trent Jamieson UF - Death Works 4
Wild Cards III: Jokers Wild (ri) George R.R. Martin (ed) SF/Adv - Anthology
The Runestone Incident Neve Maslakovic TT/R - The Incident 2
Night on the Galactic Railroad and Other Stories from Ihatov Kenji Miyazawa F/SF - Modern Japanese Classics
The Book of Why (h2tp) Nicholas Montemarano Meta
McFall Scott Nicholson Th/H
The Dreams of a Dying God Aaron Pogue F - Godlanders War 1
The Wrath of a Shipless Pirate Aaron Pogue F - Godlanders War 2
The Martian (D) Andy Weir SF/Adv
Wolf of Sigmar C.L. Werner F - Time of Legends: Black Plague Trilogy  3
The Judge of Ages John C. Wright SF - Count to Trillion 3
Carnal Secrets Suzanne Wright PNR - Phoenix Pack 3

February 13, 2014
Mystic's Touch Dena Garson FR
Braedric's Bane: HarperImpulse Fantasy Romance Novella (e) AJ Nuest FR - Golden Key Chronicles 4

February 15, 2014
Magistrates of Hell (h2tp) Barbara Hambly UF - James Asher Vampire 4
The Woman Who Thought She Was a Planet and Other Stories (ri) Vandana Singh SF - Collection

D - Debut
e - eBook
h2tp - Hardcover to Trade Paperback
ri - Reissue or Reprint

Adv - Adventure
Dys - Dystopian
F - Fantasy
FR - Fantasy Romance
Gh - Ghosts
H - Horror
Hist - Historical
Meta - Metaphysical
PNR - Paranormal Romance
R - Romance
SF - Science Fiction
SP - Steampunk
Th - Thriller
TT - Time Travel
UF - Urban Fantasy


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