
Thursday, December 08, 2011

Guest Blog by Carolyn Crane - 7 Supernatural Sidekicks especially for readers and bloggers

Please welcome Carolyn Crane to The Qwillery. Carolyn is the author of the urban fantasy Disillusionists Trilogy. Head Rush (Disillusionists Trilogy 3) was published on December 6, 2011.

7 Supernatural Sidekicks especially for readers and bloggers

Hello friends and Qwillery readers! So nice to be here, and thanks to you, Qwill, for having me over to help celebrate the ebook release week of Head Rush, the third and final book in the Disillusionists Trilogy. (Audio book is already out, and print releases later in 2012…yee-hah!!)

Writing this trilogy has been so fun, and I am so grateful to the readers and bloggers helped make it such an awesome experience, and for everybody being excited along with me for this release.

The other day I was guest blogging about supernatural sidekicks that authors could use. But, readers and bloggers could use their own supernatural sidekicks, too. And I started thinking….

Supernatural spoiler-howling dog

Don’t you hate when you’re reading a fave blog or some tweet and you get a massive spoiler? I think this spoiler-howling dog would be such an excellent supernatural sidekick for all of us readers.

Magical schedule-shredding fox

We’ve all been there: staying up way too late to finish an exciting book. Well, this magical woodland friend is the perfect sidekick—he totally shreds up your schedule, clearing the decks and all responsibilities, so that you can get your full eight hours. Sleep tight!

Goodreads anti-spam mage

This fierce and frightening mage is a handy sidekick for anybody who uses Goodreads—he completely vaporizes author spam with beams from his eyes!

Magical review monkey

This little guy types away at a blogger’s computer while she (or he!) sleeps, and in the morning, the review is done. This very handy monkey would also be a nice sidekick for those very kind readers who want to put up a review on an online site.

Hoppy follower-mojo rabbit

Okay, this one is just for bloggers. I know that a lot of times blogs can be judged by followers—not always the fairest or most accurate measuring stick! Well, who cares, because if you had this rabbit as your sidekick, you would kick ass in the follower category. The rabbit would just pull them in!

Late post author-pecking bird

For bloggers also: Don’t you hate it when you offer a guest post slot to an author, and they get it in like, the day before it is due to run (or less!), leaving you to do a complicated layout, sometimes involving images and cartoons, in less than 24 hours? What do these authors think? This bird straightens them RIGHT out.

Forgetful author voodoo doll

Authors often give away books…but they sometimes send the book prizes out in….let’s just say, not a speedy fashion. (cough) Or, sometimes they even forget! Well, this nifty little sidekick helps them to remember to send that book out! Okay, what is happening? This post is taking a dark turn.

Reading mojo ferret


It is quite tragic when you lose your reading mojo—and critical that you pick the just-right book from your shelf or off your TBR pile to restart things. But which one? The wrong one will deepen your readerly slump. That is where the Reading Mojo Ferret would come in handy—this little guy would find the exact right book for you.

Hey, thanks for stopping by. I hope everybody has a nice week full of good books and helpful supernatural sidekicks.

About the Disillusionists Trilogy

Head Rush
Disillusionists Trilogy 3
Samhain Publishing, December 6, 2011
eBook, 361 pages

Justine Jones faces her ultimate enemy: herself.

The Disillusionist Trilogy, Book 3

In an attempt to put her unhappy past behind her, Justine Jones throws herself into nursing school and planning her wedding to Otto Sanchez, the man of her dreams. But something is off. Random details aren’t adding up…and is it her imagination, or are her friends and fiancĂ© keeping secrets from her? And what’s with the strange sense of unease, and her odd new headaches?

Justine tries to stay upbeat as Midcity cowers under martial law, sleepwalking cannibals, and a mysterious rash of paranormal copycat violence, but her search for answers leads her into the most dangerous mind game yet.

With the help of unlikely allies, including her paranoid dad and best frenemy Simon, Justine fights her ultimate foe…and unravels the most startling mystery of all.

Double Cross
Disillusionists Trilogy 2
Spectra, September 28, 2010
Mass Market Paperback, 336 pages


Justine Jones lived her life as a fearful hypochondriac until she was lured into the web of a mysterious mastermind named Packard, who gifts her with extraordinary mental powers—dooming her to fight Midcity’s shadowy war on paranormal crime in order to find the peace she so desperately craves.

But now serial killers with unheard-of skills are terrorizing the most powerful beings in Midcity, including mastermind Packard and his oldest friend and worst enemy, Midcity’s new mayor, who has the ability to bend matter itself to his will.

As the body count grows, Justine faces a crisis of conscience as she tests the limits of her new powers and faces an impossible choice between two flawed but brilliant men—one on a journey of redemption, the other descending into a pit of moral depravity.

Mind Games
Disillusionists Trilogy 1
Spectra, March 23, 2010
Mass Market Papberback, 384 pages


Justine Jones has a secret. A hardcore hypochondriac, she’s convinced a blood vessel is about to burst in her brain. Then, out of the blue, a startlingly handsome man named Packard peers into Justine’s soul and invites her to join his private crime-fighting team. It’s a once-in-a-lifetime deal. With a little of Packard’s hands-on training, Justine can weaponize her neurosis, turning it outward on Midcity’s worst criminals, and finally get the freedom from fear she’s always craved. End of problem.

Or is it? In Midcity, a dashing police chief is fighting a unique breed of outlaw with more than human powers. And while Justine’s first missions, including one against a nymphomaniac husband-killer, are thrilling successes, there is more to Packard than meets the eye. Soon, while battling her attraction to two very different men, Justine is plunging deeper into a world of wizardry, eroticism, and cosmic secrets. With Packard’s help, Justine has freed herself from her madness—only to discover a reality more frightening than anyone’s worst fears.

About Carolyn

Carolyn Crane lives in Minneapolis with her husband and two daring cats. She works as a marketing writer for her straight job and has also put in time as a shop clerk, a cocktail waitress and a plastics factory worker, which she was dismal at (think I Love Lucy). Also, she can relate almost any life experience to one or another Star Trek episodes, and if you invite her to your party, your entire cheese plate will be in grave danger. She can be found reading in bed, running, helping animals, or eating Mexican food.


The Giveaway


What:  One commenter will win Mass Market Paperback copies of Mind Games and Double Cross from The Qwillery.

How:  Leave a comment answering the following question:

Which is your favorite Supernatural Sidekick from Carolyn's post?

Please remember - if you don't answer the question your entry will not be counted.

You may receive additional entries by:

1)   Being a Follower of The Qwillery.

2)   Mentioning the giveaway on Facebook and/or Twitter. Even if you mention the giveaway on both, you will get only one additional entry. You get only one additional entry even if you mention the giveaway on Facebook and/or Twitter multiple times.

3)   Mentioning the giveaway on your on blog or website. It must be your own blog or website; not a website that belongs to someone else or a site where giveaways, contests, etc. are posted.

There are a total of 4 entries you may receive: Comment (1 entry), Follower (+1 entry), Facebook and/or Twitter (+ 1 entry), and personal blog/website mention (+1 entry). This is subject to change again in the future for future giveaways.

Please leave links for Facebook, Twitter, or blog/website mentions. In addition please leave a way to contact you.

Who and When:  The contest is open to all humans on the planet earth with a mailing address. Contest ends at 11:59pm US Eastern Time on Thursday, December 15, 2011. Void where prohibited by law. No purchase necessary. You must be 18 years old or older to enter.

*Giveaway rules are subject to change.*


  1. I love Carolyn's cartoons! Too funny. :)

    My favorite sidekick (and the one I really need!), is the Magical Review Monkey. I'm gonna have to add a P.S. to my Santa letter! ;)

    +3: comment, follower, retweeter
    (OK, I am about to go RT this, haven't got to Twitter yet this a.m.)

  2. Oh I love the idea of a sidekick for bloggers/authors. The one I could use most is the Hoppy Follower-Mojo Rabbit. I'm putting that on my Birthday wish list.

    Poison Rose
    Comment, follow and retweet = 3 entries.

    Thanks Carolyn for sharing. I'd love to meet a fellow Minnesotan, and author sometime. :-)


  3. I need the Reading Mojo Ferret! He would come in so handy so I wouldnt have to sit and stare at my TBR pile and try pick one! Great idea Carolyn, and as always you come up with such cute posts!
    Can't wait to read Head Rush!!!

    GFC follower Lexi

  4. The Reading Mojo ferret is for me; it's a must have.

    After I complete a stand-alone, I don't know if I should read another stand-alone or start a series? If I pick a series, do I start with a new or continue with an old one? If I pick an old one, do I need to re-read the previous book and find a summary online?

    UGH! Too many decisions!

    +1 comment
    +1 follower

    Tracey D
    booklover0226 at gmail dot com

  5. I like dogs and my supernatural sidekick is Supernatural spoiler-howling dog. I cringe when a spoiler is given!

    +1 comment
    +1 GFC follower


  6. I need a Magical schedule-shredding fox!
    The mage is handy too btw.

    Not entering the giveaway.

  7. I love the anti-spam mage! Hahaha!

    Great post - and another new to me author. The series sounds awesome!

    Thank you for the giveaway!

    Shared on Facebook:

    Gena Robertson

  8. My favorite sidekick is the reading mojo ferret because I have no idea what book to read next.

    +1 comment
    +1 gfc follower

  9. I need the Reading Mojo Ferret
    The Magical schedule-shredding fox is handy too btw.
    +1 comment
    +1 GFC: blackwolf
    +1 tweet:!/PandoraSWolf/status/144849784442847233


  10. My favorite sidekick (and the one I really need!), is the Magical Review Monkey. I'm gonna have to add a P.S. to my Santa letter! ;)
    same here
    wish they were real
    +2: comment, follower


  11. Cute cartoons! I like the supernatural spoiler howling dog!


  12. Carolyn Crane always has the funniest posts, she's hilarious.
    I love the Magical Review Monkey - he's awesome.

    Barbed1951 at aol dot com

  13. Carolyn you are tooo freaking funny..
    I would want the Magical Review monkey.. I need that one..

  14. I love the"Supernatural spoiler-howling dog". Spoilers are the worst.

    I follow.


  15. I love Magical schedule-shredding fox, cause i need my sleep!!

    Thanks for giveaway.

    +1 comment
    +1 follower
    +1 facebook

    filiafantasy at gmail dot com

  16. I choice "Reading mojo ferret" to help me to sort of the book i will read ;)

  17. Definitely the magical schedule-shedding fox. I would love to have my schedule cleared for a few days of uninterrupted reading; you could feed me intravenously, too!

    Plus, the fox would undoubtedly be best buddies with the supernatural spoiler-howling dog, so I'd be set :-)

    what_ever_for at cox dot net

  18. I'd definitely go for the Reading Mojo Ferret since I often desperately need his help :) There are so many books and so little! :)


    +1 comment
    +1 follower


  19. Great post, my favorite are Magical schedule-shredding fox
    and the monkey ^^ because it's often when i go sleeping that i see my review so if i don't get up to write it it's lost the monkey writing for me would be great and sleeping without worry it's good too

    gfc follower ( email and rss) isabelle frisch ( perhaps listed as miki)


    so 2entries

    thanks you for this gret giveaway


  20. I don't know how I have survived this long without a reading mojo ferret! Not entering the contest as I have both books already, but just wanted to say I love this post :)

  21. I could use the Mojo Ferret - often I can't decide what to read next, and books I've left sitting for a while I've often loved & kick myself for not reading it sooner.

    +1 Comment
    +1 Follower
    +1 Twitter -!/DianeSallans/status/145675995859529728

    sallans d at yahoo dot com

  22. Not entering the giveaway, but wanted to say I loved this post!! Carolyn's drawings are the best. :) I want a reviewer monkey!!

  23. I must say I giggles at all seven, but the magical schedule shredding fox is definitely needed around here:) Thank you for the giggles and the awesome giveaway opportunity.
    +1 comment
    +1 Follower
    +1 Tweeted =!/ZDz59001/status/145707753531387904


  24. Love the sidekicks! I liked them all but I would have to go with the voodoo doll. Thanks for the chance.

    sariahwalters at gmail dot com
    I am a follower

  25. The only thing I love more than Carolyn's books are her hilarious cartoons! lol
