
Sunday, October 16, 2011

Winners x 6 - October 16, 2011

and the winners are....

Infidel (Bel Dame Apochrypha Volume 2) by Kameron Hurley

The Question:  What woman or women inspire you?

bmb80 who said...

I’ve been anxiously awaiting Infidel (which has been forever) since I wrapped up God’s War.

Love the question.

It takes a special woman to inspire others and what’s more special then a mother? She was the person who made me embrace odd things about myself that others (even grown ups) said was not normal—she called them my gifts.

She taught me to be inspired by the people who offer you something of value without asking for anything in return, such as the florist who felt that I, a total stranger, was in need of a simple hug and a rose because she thought I looked sad when I walked by her stand. She was right.

The nurse that prayed over my mother years ago when she was sick in the hospital and told me everything will be all right.

My sixth grade teacher who gave me hard time who I believed hated my guts but pushed me because she cared, and although I didn’t know it at the time, she’s one of the reasons I’m a writer today and changed my life forever.

This is living proof that those we consider ordinary are absolutely extraordinary.

Blood Rights (House of Comarré 1) by Kristen Painter

The Question:  Who is your favorite Urban Fantasy heroine or hero?

SeaLionMama who said...

My favorite heroine of all time is Cat (AKA Catherine, Kitten) from Jeanine Frost Night Huntress series. She is about as real as a half vampire can get. Not only is she relatable in regards to her insecurities, she kicks A$$! In every book Cat gets better and better as a person, but still has the inate ability to care about someone else other than herself. She would sacrifice herself and her feelings to make sure the people she loves (or actually anyone that is the underdog or needs help) are not harmed. Her love for humanity is what makes her the most deadly heroine in my eyes. She doesn’t forget what brought her to that point in her life and she takes what she has learned and grows from it… That makes a hero a hero…

Debris (The Veiled Worlds 1) by Jo Anderton

The Question:  Science Fiction or Science Fantasy?

Sinnaye who said...

Science Fantasy for sure. I'm not too keen on the whole science fiction-idea, but the fantasy equivalent of it rather sparks my imterest.

Chosen By Blood (Para-Ops 1) by Virna DePaul

The Question:  What would you be doing if you worked for the Para-Ops team?

mommy0306 who said...

i'm good with computers, i could always be their tech support/research person. maybe a tech support that goes into the field on occasion for missions. :)

Sins of the Angels (The Grigori Legacy 1) by Linda Poitevin (2 copies)

The Question:  Angels or Fallen Angels? or ask Linda a question.

Sabrina who said...

Fallen angels! They keep things interesting :) I like imperfections in my characters.


Kristina who said...

I have to say im a fallen angels gal myself..something about them that makes me smile!

The winners have been notified and have until 11:59 pm US Eastern Time on Sunday, October 23, 2011 to respond or The Qwillery will very randomly choose a new winner or winners.