
Sunday, August 21, 2011

Winners - August 21, 2011

And the winners are....

Luck of the Devil (Speak of the Devil 1) ebook by Patricia Eimer

Lisa Richards/alterlisa who said...

I always go to the family reunions. We definitely have our share of crazies in our family but they are OUR crazies.


No Hero by Jonathan Wood (2 copies)

Spaz who said...

My favorite movie hero. That's a tough one. It's hard to argue with such characters as Indiana Jones or James Bond. But I think I'm going to have to agree with Barbara E. and pick Captain Malcolm Reynolds. He's a flawed man who tries very much to do the right thing. Even when including the TV series, he never really got the girl. He was unable to express his feelings to Inara and so lost her. At the same time, he was a great leader, often getting his crew out of trouble. What's not to love?


Krystal who said...

My favorite movie hero is Ryan to watch him on the big screen O.O


Downpour (Greywalker 6) by Kat Richardson 

Blissfulrains who said...

My favorite animal is the kangaroo!~ I find them amazingly adorable!


The Whitefire Crossing (The Shattered Sigil 1) by Courtney Schafer

Snip who said...

My ultimate adventure would involve exploring ancient ruins or an archeological dig.


Across the Veil (ebook short story) by Lisa Kessler and Night Walker romance trading cards 

loves to dive who said...

automatic, never learned to drive a straight shift and honey gave up trying to teach me after one day.

Winners have been notified and have until 11:59PM US Eastern Time on August 28, 2011 to respond or The Qwillery very randomly choose a new winner or winner.

Thank you to all participants.

1 comment:

  1. Lisa won another giveaway wow she's definitely winning left and right.. congrats to the winners
