
Sunday, March 20, 2011

Supermoon and Spring - March 20, 2011

Spring starts later today so, of course, it's 32F here as I write this. We're going to get an inch of snow tomorrow before it starts raining. Spring is just being Spring. It's my favorite time of the year. I've started my Spring garden clean up. I'm hoping the tremendous amount of snow we had this Winter did less damage than I fear. Spring starts on March 20, 2011 at 23:21 UT or, for me, 7:21 PM EDT.

Last night there was a Supermoon - a Super Full Moon. Simply it means that the Moon is close to the earth on it's orbit so looks bigger than usual. For a more detailed explanation you can read what NASA says about it by clicking here. The next Supermoon will be in 18 years.

I live on top of a hill surrounded by trees and hedges so I'm not able to see the Moon right at moonrise. It was so bright last night that it cast shadows! Here are some of the pictures I took.

This was right after I could finally see it.

Around 8:30 PM Eastern Time (US)

I also played with some settings on the camera and created a Blue Supermoon
by setting the light to Incandescent

and the Supermoon looks lavender-colored when the light is set to Fluorescent

The moon really looks like this - gray.

Did you see the Supermoon? C.T. Adams (Sazi), Lori Handeland (Nightcreature), and Rebecca York (Moon) have series that use "Moon" in the book titles. There are many single books, whether in a series or standalone, that also have "Moon" in the title. Do you have an favorite "Moon" book? You can see the Moon books in my collection as a PDF file by clicking here.


  1. It was so bright here in the UK it lit up our bedroom. Such a clear night.

    Trying to think now of a book with moon in the title...

  2. Here in Istanbul the weather was really foggy and I couldn't see it. :(
    Love your pictures.

  3. Moon Called (Mercy Thompson) by Patricia Briggs

  4. These are gorgeous!!! I particularly like the blue moon. It was a little too cloudy in the Seattle area to get good pictures, but, wow, was it bright!

    Hmmm, books with moon in the title. I haven't checked your list, but I enjoyed Patricia Briggs' Moon Called.

    As soon as I click enter, I'll probably think of a few more!
