
Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Interview with Anton Strout and Giveaway - February 22, 2011

The Qwillery is delighted to welcome Anton Strout, author of the Simon Canderous series. Anton's latest book, Dead Waters, is available today. You can read my 5 Qwill review of Dead Waters here.

TQ:  Describe the Simon Canderous series in 140 characters or less.

Anton:  Man with bat strives to Do Good, fighting evil and staying under budget in paranormally infested New York City

TQ:  How have Simon's psychometric powers evolved since the first book?

Anton:  I think much of his power has stayed relatively the same, it's Simon that has changed... he has better control over it, but there are certain things that have happened over time where we've seen little tweaks to it. In Dead Matter, we saw Simon use his powers in conjunction with Jane's technomancy to broadcast one of his psychometric visions. In Dead Waters, we're going to see Simon struggling with some of the emotional states that he ends up 'feeling' when he does particular emotionally charged readings with his powers.

TQ:  You write primarily Urban Fantasy. In what other genre(s) would you like to write?

Anton:  I'd love to try my hand at more traditional fantasy, but right now I'm having a lot of fun working on a yet unsold YA steampunk book that I keep calling my Dickensian urchin Iron Man book... I dabble a lot. I even do regular fiction, such as my fictional punk band book I keep meaning to get back to, but the UF is the one paying the bills these days, so that's where my time goes.

TQ:  Who is your favorite secondary character or characters?

Anton:  I really have a lot of love for my secondary characters, which is why they either become the topic of books or some of the short stories. I love Godfrey, but that's because I totally see him as John Hodgman. And I love the Inspectre because he's part of the old guard, and with Dead Waters, I wanted to explore his past again, his time in his prime, as well as what it means to get old in the world of fighting evil.

TQ:  Without giving anything away, what it your favorite scene or scenes in Dead Waters?

Anton:  I love all of my scenes out on the Hudson River in the boat... something about floating on the calm water just outside the city as all kinds of paranormal hell breaks loose that makes me giggle like a kindergartener.

TQ:  What is the playlist for Dead Waters?

Anton:  Well, I always have Beat On The Brat by the Ramones in my head while I write, along with the Fight Club soundtrack, the Matrix and some Bach for the lighter moments. I also think I listened to a lot of Alien Ant Farm's The Movies and The Cranberries Zombie.

TQ:  How many books are planned for the Simon Canderous series? Are there any upcoming short stories/novellas set in the Simonverse?

Anton:  Well, I'D like the series to go on, but that's really not up to me at the moment. I have at least two more books semi-planned out, but I may be putting some time into a second series soon... more on that later when I have something to share.

TQ:  What's next?

Anton:  Hopefully I'll get to shop around the YA in a month or so. I have a zombie apocalypse short coming up in the March anthology After Hours: Tales from the Ur-Bar and I owe two stories to some editors out there... one of them a modern day fairie story and one a Weird West kinda tale. And then there's that little bit of news I can't discuss yet :D

Anton's Books

Dead to Me
Simon Canderous 1
Ace, February, 26, 2008
Mass Market Paperback and eBook, 368 pages

A new urban fantasy featuring a man working on the right side of law-with talents that come from left field.

Psychometry-the power to touch an object and divine information about its history-has meant a life of petty crime for Simon Canderous, but now he's gone over to the good side. At New York's underfunded and (mostly) secret Department of Extraordinary Affairs, he's learning about red tape, office politics, and the basics of paranormal investigation. But it's not the paperwork that has him breathless.

After Simon spills his coffee on (okay, through) the ghost of a beautiful woman- who doesn't know she's dead-he and his mentor plan to find her killers. But Simon's not prepared for the nefarious plot that unfolds before him, involving politically correct cultists, a large wooden fish, a homicidal bookcase, and the forces of Darkness, which kind of have a crush on him.

Deader Still
Simon Canderous 2
Ace, February 24, 2009
Mass Market Paperback and eBook, 320 pages

It’s hard to defeat evil on a budget. Just ask Simon Canderous.


It’s been 737 days since the Department of Extraordinary Affairs’ last vampire incursion, but that streak appears to have ended when a boat full of dead lawyers is found in the Hudson River. Using the power of psychometry—the ability to divine the history of an object by touching it—agent Simon Canderous discovers that the booze cruise was crashed by something that sucked all the blood out of the litigators. Now, his workday may never end—until his life does.

Dead Matter
Simon Canderous 3
Ace, February 23, 2010
Mass Market Paperback and eBook, 336 pages

Shaking up the spirits of Manhattan

The spirit populace of Manhattan doesn't appreciate its well-deserved RIP being disturbed, and Department of Extraordinary Affairs Agent Simon Canderous is sent in to do damage control. Meanwhile, his vacationing partner, Connor Christos, is in a sorry state, and he tells Simon that each night he's being haunted by visions of his long-lost brother at his window. Simon is worried that his partner may be going crazy-or worse, maybe he's not...

Dead Waters
Simon Canderous 4
Ace, February 22, 2012
Mass Market Paperback and eBook, 352 pages

From the back cover:

With Manhattan's Department of Extraordinary Affairs in disarray (forget vampires and zombies -- it's the budget cuts that can kill you), Simon Canderous is still expected to stamp out any crime that adds the "para" to normal." And his newest case is no exception...

A university professor has been found murdered in his apartment. His lungs show signs of death by drowning. But his skin and clothes? Bone-dry. Now Simon has to rely on his powers -- plus a little help from his ghost-whispering partner and technomancer girlfriend -- to solve a mystery that has the NYPD stumped and the D.E.A. shaken and stirred.


2007                  2008                        2009             2010


About Anton

Fantasy author Anton Strout was born in the Berkshire Hills mere miles from writing heavyweights Nathaniel Hawthorne and Herman Melville and currently lives in the haunted corn maze that is New Jersey (where nothing paranormal ever really happens, he assures you).

He has been a featured speaker and workshopper at San Diego Comic-Con, Gencon, New York Comic-Con, the Brooklyn Book Festival.

He is the co-creator of the faux folk musical Sneezin’ Jeff & Blue Raccoon: The Loose Gravel Tour (winner of the Best Storytelling Award at the First Annual New York International Fringe Festival).

In his scant spare time, his is a writer, a sometimes actor, sometimes musician, occasional RPGer, and the worlds most casual and controller smashing video gamer. He currently works in the exciting world of publishing and yes, it is as glamorous as it sounds.

Anton's Links

The League of Reluctant Adults

The Giveaway


What:  One commenter will win signed copies of the 1st 3 Simon Canderous books: Dead to Me, Deader Still, and Dead Matter.

How:  Leave a comment telling The Qwillery what is your power? Please remember - if you don't answer the question your entry will not be counted.

You may receive additional entries by:

1) Being a Follower of The Qwillery.

2) Mentioning the giveaway on Facebook and/or Twitter. Even if you mention the giveaway on both, you will get only one additional entry. You get only one additional entry even if you mention the giveaway on Facebook and/or Twitter multiple times.

3) Mentioning the giveaway on your on blog or website. It must be your own blog or website; not a website that belongs to someone else or a site where giveaways, contests, etc. are posted.

There are a total of 4 entries you may receive: Comment (1 entry), Follower (+1 entry), Facebook and/or Twitter (+ 1 entry), and personal blog/website mention (+1 entry). This is subject to change again in the future for future giveaways.

Please leave links for Facebook, Twitter, or blog/website mentions. In addition please leave a way to contact you.

Who & When: The contest is open to all humans on the planet earth with a mailing address. Contest ends at 11:59pm US Eastern Time on Tuesday, March 1, 2011. Void where prohibited by law.

*Giveaway rules are subject to change*


  1. My power!? Does the power of wickedly good snark count :)

    Follower of The Qwillery

    robin [at] intensewhisper [dot] com

  2. Oh Robin! I wanted that power! Snark power is the best! :)

    I follow gfc and twitter
    books (dot) things (at) yahoo (dot) com

  3. My power;
    I would have liked if I had the ability to ''freeze'' the annoying people.
    I am a follower as Diana
    Thanks for the giveaway!!!

    artgiote at gmail dot com

  4. I would like to have the power of manipulate the fire! It would be awesome! :D

    i'm a GFC follower

  5. Since snark power is taken, how about teleportaion so I can travel to see family without dealing with the TSA?


  6. Sheilagh Lee said:I'd like the power to make everyone treat people with respect and be kind.

  7. I have the power of the infinitely clean house no matter what happens inside it. At the snap of two fingers it is perfect and even the carpets are sparkling ;)


    terilhack at gmail dot com

  8. I'd want transmorfigation. I'd take all my garbage and make it into designer handbags, shoes, and endless streams of money. Shallow, I know.

    I tweeted here:

    My email address is:
    faefever25 AT hotmail DOT com

  9. If I had one the power I would love is teleportation of myself and objects.

    Travelling would be soo much easier !

    Thanks for the giveaway.

    I am a Follower via GFC

    Carol T

    buddytho {at} gmail DOT com

  10. I have an actual power- the ability to say something completely ridiculous with such a particularly serious face and in such a way, that people think I'm serious. Not extremely useful, but there it is.

    I'm a gfc follower.


  11. My power would be the ability to be in two places at the same time. Sometimes there aren't enough hours in the day, you know what I mean?

    user1123 AT comcast DOT net

  12. My power is the power of obsessive organization. I'm like Jean Grey but all I can do is stack things.

    Follower of The Qwillery blog and on Twitter.



  13. I have the amazing power of annoying lots of people, teasing them and being exceptionally sarcastic. does it count?

    I am a follower (GFC) and commented!

    aliasgirl at libero dot it

  14. I would love to have the power of teleportation. That would be bad for my bank account cuz I could reach all those nice books tores but it would make it possible to meet some friends who live far away. Or book-signings and stuff like that.

    I really love the idea of a psychometric hero. It's nice to see that someone tries out something new- not just the same old.
    Thanks for the chance!

  15. And I need the power to keep my thoughts together:
    I'm a follower.
    I tweeted here:

    thegeekybookworm AT gmail DOT com

  16. Give me telekenisis. And let's all pretend it wouldn't make me lazy.

    +1 comment
    +1 Follower (Vampire Book Club)
    +1 Twitter (@VampBookClub)
    +1 You're in this week's roundup, m'dear:

  17. Great interview! Love his books!

    GFC Follower

    Posted on blog:

    Total: 4

  18. I'd love to have power over wind and water :D

    Im a GFC follower and i've added it to the right sidebar of my blog (

    battyaboutbats at

  19. I'm not allowed to have super powers, because I would use them for the forces of "you're too stupid to live". But if I DID... I just want the power to simultaneously flatten all a car's tires and safely move them out of the road. That's not too much to ask, is it?

    Follower of The Qwillery

  20. I want a power of MINDREADING so I can own people and cheekily know what their gonna say next. ;)

    aah-susann @

  21. I would love the power to make myself disappear- totally handy!

  22. Well... I have the power of being able to ignore my brother. All right, that doesn't count, but it should.
    I'd like to have the power to become invisible :)

    I follow on GFC.
    Tweeted (


  23. Since Snark is taken, my secondary power is "Cool Mom". My 21 year old daughter and all her friends want to spend spring break with me. Go figure.

    I'm following The Qwillery on Twitter.

    Tweeted at!/ailishsmom


  24. My power is the ability to nap anyway, anytime, no matter what is happening around me.

    I am a follower, and I tweeted: @ElektraUM.

  25. I would have the power of healing so I could take away people's pain.

    Follower. My GFC name is Cherry.



    Cherry Mischievous
    chericenter-warrior [at] yahoo [dot] com

  26. I have the power of persuasion, so I would like to add the ability to sense when people around, and what they are thinking. (Telepath)
    Follow GFC and email
    linda (at) gordonvalley (dot) com

  27. How: Leave a comment telling The Qwillery what is your power? Please remember - if you don't answer the question your entry will not be counted.

    My power would be to create a time bubble where I could stay and sleep/get homework done/read a book and after I got out the time in the world would be the same.

    GFC follower: Elizabeth OR Elisquared


    Sidebar on blog: (on the right under giveaways)

  28. I want the power to control people's minds.

    GFC follower

  29. I believe my power is invisibility. A lot of the time it seems like I'm just not here or that my boys just don't hear me. I would love to be able to move things with my mind.

    meredithfl at gmail dot com

    GFC follower

  30. I think my power would be to make politicians be honest.. naw, that's too silly, I would like the power of persuasion through. You will give me this job... I am the best candidate you've ever seen" *Jedi Hand Wave*

    Following QQwill
    Blogged about it
    & R-Tweeted it

  31. My power would be the power to freeze & blow things up (yes Pyper Hallowell from Charmed)

    I am a follower. Do not know how to post links from my phone but I did tweet. Thanks

  32. Oopsie! Thought I'd already done this... :(

    As the Super Auntie, I have the amazing power of Getting-the-2yr-old-to-take-a-nap/go-to-sleep-at-night-with-almost-no-fussing! I am very popular at our house after lunch, and around 8:30 pm, for some reason... :p

    +2, for GFC follower and retweets.

  33. I would choose the power to control the elements.

    GFC Follower

