
Monday, September 20, 2010


The Qwillery is happy to announce winners for 3 giveaways:

Shaun of the Dead from Michele Bardsley:

Debby who said, "I hate scary movies but my kids love them."

Blameless by Gail Carriger and The Old Ones Necklace:

Caitlin who said, "Hmmm, My favorite would have to be squid. I like them fried ;) hehe"

The Grimrose Path by Rob Thurman :

Robin K who said, "I would love to be entered. Thank you for the giveaway."

throuthehaze who said, "Great interview! Count me in please"

Melissa who said, "i love Rob Thurman's work great books."

Emails have been sent to the winners who must respond by 11:59 PM US ET on September 28, 2010 or The Qwillery will have to randomly choose someone else!

1 comment:

  1. Congratulations to all the winners. May you have a really BIG Pillow to hide behind.
    Everyone is invited to a Viking Blog BBQ...directions are in a post on my site.
    N. R. Williams, fantasy author
