"I"des. Today is not the ides of May. That falls on the 15th of May in the ancient Roman Calendar. However without comparing the ancient Roman Calendar to our present calendar, I can not be 100% sure that today is not the ides of May. March may have the most famous ides (as in "beware of"), but every month had an ides. For March, May, July, and October the ides fell on the 15th. For all other months the ides fell on 13th. Now you know.
American "I"dol. I have watched it for the first time this season. I don't even know what season it is though. I generally don't watch TV so you'll have to excuse me for not knowing. I'm ok with the 2 semi-finalists only because it makes my pick for the American Idol much easier. I doubt very much that I will watch another season of Idol though. It's a huge time sink. I don't have a lot of free time. I have many more things I could have done during all the time I've watched Idol. I do like that it has given exposure to singers that might otherwise not been 'discovered.' But one thing has perplexed me. Many of the people who audition can't sing. Why do they think that they can? My favorite judge is Simon Cowell. He's straightforward.
"I"rises. My Irises have begun to bloom. I prefer Tall Bearded Iris. When I was little my Dad grew them along the driveway at our old house. I've loved them since then. When we moved, my Dad planted more Iris but they became overgrown by wild flowers. Over the last three years I've rescued all of them and moved them into full sun with lots of space. They did not bloom the first year, but have many buds this year. Earlier this spring, I found two more Iris in the Wildflower Garden and have moved them. Here are some photos taken this morning of some of my early blooming Tall Bearded Iris:
"I"'ve got nothing else for today!
Qwill's Qwestions: Any factoids that you'd like to share? or What do you think of American Idol? or What's your favorite flower?